OAN Host Begs Liberals To Save Her Dying Network

One America News is headed for the dumpster, and one host on the network is trying to encourage liberals to join the fight to save the network. Host Alison Steinberg issued a plea to “everyone” to put aside their differences and fight for the network, warning that we could be the next ones to go down. But her arguments, as usual, are not based in reality, and this isn’t an issue of censorship, as Farron Cousins explains.

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One America news anchor, Allison Steinberg has, uh, had some clips go viral recently, usually because she’s either mocking or being rude or just exceptionally cartoonish in her deliveries. But she did have a segment this week. That of course was then shared online where she changed her tune a little bit, a little bit, still the same tone, just a different tune, where she appeared to be begging people from all sides, which of course includes liberals to help save her failing network. One America after they just got dropped by Verizon. And so here she is in this clip begging everybody to help because, Hey, you never know you might be next, take a look,

But it is absolutely crucial that for once we defy the powers that be that we all come together, set aside our differences in a unified effort so that we can recognize the horrifying danger. That lies ahead. If you’re watching this and you’re laughing and scoffing, because you think that you’re immune to what’s coming, you just wait, enjoy your freedoms while you still got ’em. But for anyone that’s with me and is willing to contribute to fighting this beast here is what you need to do.

One. We need to have a unified effort. All of us need to be coming together to save poor little one America, the mag propaganda network, because Hey, you could be next. Those sensors could be right outside your door right now. And you would never know it. Um, here’s the thing. This isn’t a censorship issue. This ISN a garbage issue. And what do you do with the trash? You take it out, you get rid of it. People come and they pick up the trash and the trash is gone. That’s what’s happening with one America, Allison and you of all people should know that your network is pure garbage. And now these networks have been watching the garbage pile up for far too long and finally said, all right, I give I’m gonna take the garbage out. So that’s what happened with Verizon. That’s what happened with direct TV earlier this year.

In fact, the only place where one America is, is still gonna be on linear television is on a local cable, uh, outlet in Alaska that has a reach of roughly a hundred thousand customers. So, you know, you’re, you’re not all the way off TV, I guess. So that’s, that’s gotta be a positive for you, right? You know, you wanna look on the bright side a little bit, but don’t, you dare try to paint this as some kind of, oh, they’re silencing us because we report the truth and you’ll be next. No, we won’t. I can promise you that. In fact, I’m willing to bet that nobody on the left or on the right is going to be next in this little, I guess, witch hunt that you apparently seem to think this is, this is a network looking at the garbage coming out of your network.

Uh, every day we’re talking about Verizon being the carrier here. And they just said no more. What’s the point. Clearly you weren’t bringing in enough revenue to justify being on that specific carrier. And so they made the decision to give you the acts. They didn’t shut your network down. Your network still exists. You’re free to say whatever the hell you wanna say. And apparently judging on, uh, you know, based on some of your performances, you really do just kind of say whatever pops into your head at any given moment. So you can still do that. Nobody has silenced you. Nobody has violated your right to freedom of speech. However, you do not have a freedom to be heard. And that’s where a lot of these Republicans write some of these free speech absolutists out there. That’s where they kind of get a little diluted because yes, everybody has a freedom of speech.

The government keyword government will not infringe upon your right to say what you wanna say to peaceably assemble. There are of course some limits to freedom of speech, but the government says you can speak, but none of that guarantees you a right to be heard. You do not have a right to be on people’s televisions. You do not have a right for a private company to carry what you have to say. And I think a lot of, uh, conservatives hell, even some liberals seem to forget about that. And if you’re unhappy about that, well, tune out, you don’t have to subscribe to those outlets. Look at Hulu.

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