NEW YORK ( – To say that Bradley Birkenfeld is an icon of the free world would be an understatement — he’s done much more — he’s become the true American hero.
Bradley Birkenfeld worked at Swiss investment bank UBS as a private banker, and as his client list grew, Birkenfeld lived a life of a James Bond, but when he discovered that the Swiss Bank was planning to sell him out, he blew the whistle to the U.S. Government. To his big surprise, the DOJ attempted to silence him, but Bradley Birkenfeld took his secrets to the U.S. Senate, the SEC, and the IRS, where he triumphed over a powerful enemy.
Lucifer’s Banker Uncensored: The Story of a True American Hero
Not only that Birkenfeld`s revelations helped the U.S. Treasury recover over $25 billion in back taxes, fines, and penalties from American tax cheats, and the IRS gave him a whistle-blower award for $104 million, the largest such reward in history, Bradley teached the arrogant Swiss banking elite the lesson of a lifetime.
What an absolutely chilling and incredibly gripping tale this is! His new book, Lucifer’s Banker Uncensored is a fascinating read, where you will follow real-life hero Bradley Birkenfeld on his way, as he ”kicks ass” of the arrogant Swiss financial elite. A well-crafted and dramatic financial thriller set in Switzerland – a thoughtful, compelling, and provocative book that may well challenge your understanding of the U.S. criminal justice system. An addictive hammer-hard read that just slams with impact, and feels particularly relevant in todays climate of news headlines discuss offshore banking.
Place your order of “Lucifer’s Banker Uncensored” here!