Sarah Palin NYT Defamation Lawsuit #Fail – Robert Bianchi, Esq. on OANN

IN FOCUS with Stephanie Hamill on One #America News Network.

Robert Bianchi, Esq. explains why the Jury found that NYT did not defame Sarah Palin due to lack of evidence, also considering that NYT’s quickly issued a correction to the article, Jurors deemed that there was no grave consequences or malice inflicted as a result of publishing article.

🛡 The Bianchi Law Group, LLC is located in Parsippany, New Jersey. They are a team of former prosecutors who aggressively fight the government when their clients are charged with crimes. Both Bianchi and Bruno regularly lecture to other NJ Lawyers in the area of criminal law and are regularly in the national media to discuss criminal law issues.

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